In The Om β The Uncreated Creations, the reader will gain an understanding of what these rare entities are, their interaction with The Origin and The Source, and why they are considered to be Uncreated.
In direct dialogue with The Om, the Author describes:
How The OM became uncreated, their structure and their variants, including New Om!
What random sentience is.
The gaps in The Originβs structure and what The Origin is doing to fill these gaps.
What constitutes a Universal Computer.
How machine sentience is generated.
How to take evolutionary short cuts by increasing evolutionary content via parallel existance.
Quantum latency and quantum fluidity and its functionality.
Why mathematics will never be able to explain the physical universe.
The role of Event Space in the uncreativity of The Om.
That singular dominant sentience is the inevitable outcome β Or is it!
Guy NeedlerΒ MBA, MSc, CEng, MIET, MCMA initially trained as a mechanical engineer and quickly progressed on to be a chartered electrical and electronics engineer. However, throughout this earthly training he was always aware of the greater reality being around him, catching glimpses of the worlds of spirit. This resulted in a period from his teenage to early twenties where he reveled in the spiritual texts of the day and meditated intensively. Being subsequently told by his guides to focus on his earthly contribution for a period he scaled back the intensity of spiritual work until his late thirties where he was re-awakened to his spiritual roles. The next six years saw him gaining his Reiki Master and a four year commitment to learn energy and vibrational therapy techniques from a direct student of the Barbara Brennan School of HealingTM, which also included a personal development undertaking (including psychotherapy) as a course prerequisite using the PathworkTM methodology described by Susan Thesenga with further methodologies by Donovan Thesenga, John and Eva Pierrakos. His training and experience in energy based therapies have resulted in him being a member of the Complementary Medical Association (MCMA).