Alain Badiou is a world-renowned French philosopher, formerly chair of Philosophy at the École Normale Supérieure, France, and founder of the faculty of Philosophy of the Université de Paris VIII with Gilles Deleuze, Michel Foucault and Jean-François Lyotard.
A. J. Bartlett teaches philosophy in Melbourne, Australia. He is the author of Badiou and Plato: An Education by Truths (2011), co-author of Lacan Deleuze Badiou (2014) and What is Impossible: Alain Badiou and Contemporary Philosophy (2016). He is also the co-editor of Badiou: Key Concepts (2010), The Praxis of Alain Badiou (2006) and co-editor and translator of Alain Badiou's Mathematics of the Transcendental (Bloomsbury 2014).
Justin Clemens is Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne, Australia. He is the author of The Romanticism of Contemporary Theory (2003), Psychoanalysis is an Antiphilosophy (2013) and, with A.J. Bartlett and Jon Roffe, Lacan Deleuze Badiou (2014). He has edited many academic collections, including translating and editing Alain Badiou's Infinite Thought (Continuum 2003) with Oliver Feltham.