Presented here is, I hope, an easy readable and understandable pack of information that the scientists and ethologists know, that you, the new puppy owner really really need to know and understand and put into practice so you can have a better life with your new dog.
This is a book about socialisation. Not about going out to dog parties, but about teaching and showing your dog that it can be calm and confident in the big world it has come into.
Additionally, the information and techniques in the book can be used to assist with adopted dogs from shelters, fosters and if you are like me, the continual strays you try to help.
The information is tried and tested, scientifically sourced and used by professional trainers, Military, Police, SAR and competitive dog handlers the world over.
80% of the dogs brain develops in the first 16 weeks. Make the most of it!
From rehabilitating strays at a young age to working with sports dogs to Military/Police dog training, there isn't much that he hasn't endeavored to learn and become proficient at.
Here he presents the most important part of raising a dog,