“The Rainbow” is a 1915 novel by D. H. Lawrence. It follows a Nottinghamshire farming family through the transition from the pre-industrial to the industrial age, with a particular focus on the young and aspiring Ursula who dreams of a more fulfilling life. Lawrence's 1920s "Women in Love" is the sequel to this book and continues to follow the lives of the Brangwen Sisters. David Herbert Lawrence (1885–1930) was an English poet and writer. Lawrence's works mainly explore the effects that industrialisation had on people and society through looking at issues including vitality, emotional health, sexuality, and instinct. Although he was considered little more than a pornographer until his untimely death, he is now hailed as a significant writer of classic English literature. Other notable works by this author include: “Women in Love” (1920), “The Trespasser” (1912), and “Sons and Lovers” (1913). Read & Co. Classics is proudly republishing this fantastic novel now in a new edition complete with a specially-commissioned biography of the author.
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