Dyslexia is without doubt the most high profile and contentious learning difficulty, and it is a topic that has attracted a vast amount of research, opinion, professional schisms, and debate. The Companion provides an invaluable overview of the field of dyslexia with vital and clear emphasis on linking theoretical perspectives with best practice. This accessible text:
The Routledge Companion to Dyslexia is a superb resource for anyone interested in the subject, whether in education or related subjects such as psychology or neurology. Fully indexed and cross-referenced, with helpful further reading sections at the end of each entry, it is ideal for those coming to the field of dyslexia for the first time as well as students and practitioners already familiar with the subject.
Gavin Reid, formerly a senior lecturer at Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh, is now a consultant to the Centre for Child Evaluation and Teaching in Kuwait, Red Rose School in the UK and REACH Learning Center in Vancouver.