In 2009, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada funded a seven-year major collaborative research initiative known as Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in Singing (AIRS). Together, global researchers from a broad range of disciplines addressed three challenging questions: How does singing develop in every human being? How should singing be taught and used to teach? How does singing impact wellbeing? Across three volumes, The Routledge Companion to Interdisciplinary Studies in Singing consolidates the findings of each of these three questions, defining the current state of theory and research in the field. Volume I: Development tackles the first of these three questions, tracking development from infancy through childhood to adult years.
Frank A. Russo is Professor of Psychology at Ryerson University and an affiliate scientist at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute.
Beatriz Ilari is Associate Professor of Music Education and Chair of Music Teaching and Learning at the University of Southern California.
Annabel J. Cohen is Professor of Psychology at the University of Prince Edward Island specializing in music cognition and is the initiator/director of the AIRS project.