The Tear Collector

· Bloomsbury Publishing USA
1 рецензија
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Fans of urban fantasy should prepare for a new kind of vampire-one that feeds off of tears instead of blood. Descended from an ancient line of creatures that gain their energy from human tears, Cassandra Gray depends on human sorrow to live. Her job as a grief counselor at the hospital provides the perfect cover to keep this secret safe, and any time a friend needs a shoulder to cry on, she's there. Only Cass has grown tired of living a lie and wants to live like a human, especially now that she's found someone worth fighting for. With a perfect blend of supernatural and romance, Patrick Jones treats his current fans to a different taste of storytelling and will have new ones scrambling to devour this unique offering.

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1 рецензија

За авторот

PATRICK JONES received lifetime achievement awards from both the American Library Association and the Catholic Library Association for his work motivating young people to read. He is also the author of many teen novels, including The Tear Collector, Stolen Car, and Things Change. Patrick was born and raised in Flint, Michigan, and currently lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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