Thea S. Thorsen is Associate Professor of Classics at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. She is the author of Ovid's Early Poetry (Cambridge University Press, 2014), contributing sole editor of Cambridge Companion to Latin Love Elegy (CUP, 2013), contributing co-editor of Dynamics of Ancient Prose (de Gruyter, 2018), and editor of Greek and Roman Games in the Computer Age (Akademika Publishing, 2012). She is the author of numerous articles on Greek and Roman literature in English and Norwegian and was the first to translate all of Ovid's love elegies - in verse - into Norwegian. Stephen Harrison is Professor of Latin Literature at the University of Oxford, Fellow and Tutor in Classics, Corpus Christi College, Oxford, and Adjunct Professor at the universities of Copenhagen and Trondheim. He has published extensively on Latin literature and its reception, including the following relevant volumes for OUP: A Commentary on Vergil, Aeneid 10 (1991), Generic Enrichment in Vergil and Horace (2007), Living Classics: Greece and Rome in Contemporary Poetry in English (OUP, 2009), (with Amanda Wrigley), Louis MacNeice: The Classical Radio Plays [jointly with Amanda Wrigley] (OUP, 2013), and (joint ed. with Lorna Hardwick) Classics in the Modern World: A 'Democratic Turn'? (OUP, 2013).