At the same time in a distant corner of the Rigil galaxy Arr's daughter and her partner are thrust into a situation where they must depend on each other in order to survive, but they may need Dad's help to get through their ordeal.
Meanwhile, Targus has lost Damion Mitchell to retirement. Targus' search for a new medical officer for his crew leads him to a newly graduated Galactic Forces Academy officer, Terrell Sterling. Terrell has an unexpected connection to the Henu and enough personal baggage to choke a Tuldavian Swamp Lizard. All three plots collide in a spectacular finale that will leave you seeking more Star Traveler adventures.
Theresa Snyder is a multi-genre writer with an internationally read blog. She grew up on a diet of B&W Scifi films like Forbidden Planet and The Day the Earth Stood Still. She is a voracious reader and her character driven writing is influenced by the early works of Anne McCaffrey, Ray Bradbury, Robert Heinlein and L. Ron Hubbard. She loves to travel, but makes her home in Oregon where her elder father and she share a home and the maintenance of the resident cat, wild birds, squirrels, garden,and occasional Dragon house guest.