âLaurent Genefort was born in 1968 in the Paris region. At the age of 20, he became the youngest author of the Fleuve Noir Anticipation collection with Le Bagne des tÊnèbres. After studying literature at the Sorbonne, Laurent Genefort devoted himself entirely to writing and in 1995 won the Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire for Arago. He is best-known for the immersive universe that he developed around the space opera Omale. Published for the first time in 2001, the novel is the first in a series of works telling the destinies of three species cohabiting on the planet Omale: the humans, the Chiles and the Hodgqins. From 2008 to 2012, the writer directed the collection "Les TrÊsors de la SF" at Bragelonne. In 2017, he participated in the adaptation of his novel Les Peaux Êpaisses to the graphic novel medium: Thick Skins. â
Born in Vincennes in 1946, Serge Le Tendre knew very early that he wanted to be a comic book artist. His parents did not see it that way and, at 16, he found himself an accountant's assistant. As soon as he was old enough, he enrolled at the university in his native town, where he attended comic book courses given by MÊzières, Giraud and Moliterni, and where he rubbed shoulders with AndrÊ Juillard and RÊgis Loisel.He quickly preferred the job of scriptwriter to that of cartoonist. From 1974, he conceived short stories for the magazines Pilote and Tousse-Bourin with Dominique HÊ, Annie Goetzinger, and Michel Rouge illustrating. In 1975, in the luxury magazine Imagine, edited by Rodolphe, he inaugurated his now famous Quest for the Time Bird, illustrated by Loisel. Since 1977, he has contributed to the periodicals Fluide Glacial, MÊtal Hurlant, Fripounet, Circus... and has written countless other books.
Born in 1970, Pasquale Frisenda grew up in Milan, where he still lives today. From an early age he showed a strong passion for comics and drawing and in 1986 he enrolled in the illustration and comics course at Castello Sforzesco in Milan. He began his career in the science fiction magazine Cyborg, published by Star Comics in 1990. He first published some illustrations, then a 50-page story entitled Tenebra written by Michele Masiero. The same year, he was invited by Ivo Milazzo to his studio in Chiavari. Frisenda then participated in the project Magico Vento (1997), a western/horror series conceived by Gianfranco Manfredi that marked a new stage in western adventure comics. His work is highly appreciated by Sergio Bonelli and Decio Canzio: in 2005 he was entrusted with the task of drawing one of the prestigious Tex specials (the "Texoni"). The story, scripted by Mauro Boselli, was published in June 2009 under the title of Patagonia, and went on to win the Gran Guinigi at the 2009 edition of Lucca Comics&Games. In 2013 he published his first story in the Tex series, written by Mauro Boselli and titled Il segreto del giudice Bean. In 2016 he made his debut in issue 47 of the series Le Storie, with "Sangue e ghiaccio" (script by Tito Faraci).