Volcanism as a prime cause of mass extinction : retrospectives and perspectives / Grzegorz Racki -- The Central Iapetus magmatic province : an updated review and link with the ca. 580 Ma Gaskiers glaciation / Nasrrddine Youbi, Richard E. Ernst, Ulf Söderlund, Moulay Ahmed Boumehdi, Abdelhak Ait Lahna, Colombo Celso Gaeta Tassinari, Warda El Moume, and Mohamed Khalil Bensalah -- Understanding thermogenic degassing in large igneous provinces : inferences from the geological and statistical characteristics of breccia pipes in the western parts of the Karoo Basin / Henrik H. Svensen, Øyvind Hammer, Luc Chevallier, Dougal A. Jerram, Petter Silkoset, Stephane Polteau, and Sverre Planke -- Global mercury enrichment in Valanginian sediments supports a volcanic trigger for the Weissert episode / Guillaume Charbonnier, Thierry Adatte, Stéphanie Duchamp-Alphonse, Jorge E. Spangenberg, and Karl B. Föllmi -- Guerrero-Morelos carbonate platform response to the Caribbean-Colombian Cretaceous large igneous province during Cenomanian-Turonian oceanic anoxic event 2 / Brahimsamba Bomou, Thierry Adatte, and Annie Arnaud-Vanneau -- Cretaceous-Paleocene transition along a rocky carbonate shore : implications for the Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary event in shallow platform environments and correlation to the deep sea / Diethard Sanders, Gerta Keller, Felix Schlagintweit, and Martin Studeny -- Environmental effects of Deccan volcanism on biotic transformations and attendant Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary mass extinction in the Indian subcontinent : organomolecular evidence / Sucharita Pal, Surabhi Srivastava, and J.P. Shrivastava -- Integrated mineralogical and rock magnetic study of Deccan red boles / Eric Font, Thierry Adatte, Alexandra Abrajevitch, José Mirão, Nikhil Sharma, Valentin Sordet, and Mariana Andrade -- Amplifying factors leading to the collapse of primary producers during the Chicxulub / impact and Deccan Traps eruptions -- Guillaume Le Hir, Frédéric Fluteau, Baptiste Suchéras-Marx, and Yves Goddéris.