Thus, in this wonderful meditation book, perfect for Lent, or any time of the year, the great spiritual writer and monk gives profound, short reflections on Gospel passages about the passion and death of Christ. Each chapter, focusing on a specific aspect of the Passion of Our Lord, gives a prayer, a meditation and spiritual advice and closes with another short prayer.
Very much in the same style as his The Imitation of Christ, this book covers the entire Passion, and makes great spiritual reading for anyone. Illustrated.
Thomas À Kempis (1379-1471) was born in Germany and schooled by the Order of Brothers and Sisters of the Common Life in Netherlands. He lived for seventy years among the Canons Regular of St. Augustine at Mount St. Agnes Monastery. Ordained a priest, he twice served as the community's subprior and copied books by hand, including the entire Bible. He is best known as the author of the spiritual classic The Imitation of Christ.
Joseph Tylenda, S. J., theologian and historian, served as editor of Theological Studies magazine. He translated On the Passion of Christ by Thomas À Kempis and A Pilgrim's Journey: The Autobiography of St. Ignatius of Loyola, both published by Ignatius Press.