The story of Tess of the dUrbervilles revolves around a 16 year old very simple girl, named Tess Durbeyfield, who is the eldest daughter of John and Joan Durbeyfield. Since the family suffers acute financial crisis, so they approach the dUrbervilles family who are holding huge land and having lot of money. There Tess meets Alec dUrberville, who finds himself attracted to Tess. When Tess started working as a caretaker of Alecs blind mothers poultry farm, Alec gets an opportunity to rape her. After that there are many ups and down in Tess life. She meets Mr. Crick for another job. She also meets one more fellow Angel Clare, who is a travelling farmers apprentice. They marry each other. But after knowing her story, again there is a turn in Tess life. How she manages all such situation, how she meets all the financial aspects, lot of things happen with Tess. Even Alec and Angel both start searching for Tess. So, the story has become very interesting, full of climax. How Tess meets Alec or Angel? Whether she gets involved with any of these two again? There are so many presumptions. Readers will surely enjoy the story, full of suspense and never expected ups & downs in the life of all the characters. At last, how Angel helps Tess and her family is the climax. Go ahead and must grab the book.