Thomas H. Neighbors III, PhD was a Chief Scientist at Leidos Corporation before retiring. Before Leidos split from SAIC he was a Vice President/Chief Scientist at SAIC and before that he was president of Falcon Associates. His publications span the spectrum from acousto-optics to nonlinear underwater acoustics to theory and scale model experiments on anomalous sea surface reverberation.For over a decade Dr. Neighbors was an Adjunct Physics Professor at Georgetown University and twice was a visiting professor at the Technical University of Denmark. He has given keynote papers and invited lectures at conferences on Sea Surface Sound, Underwater Acoustics, and Hydroacoustics. In the past he participated on scientific advisory panels and committees such as the International Conferences on Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technology & Results and the Waterside Security Conferences.
Dr. David Bradley is Senior Scientist and Professor of Acoustics at the Applied Research Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA. He received a Bachelor’s Degree in physics from Michigan Technological University in 1960, a Master’s Degree in Physics from Michigan State University in 1963, and a Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering from the Catholic University of America in 1970. His research focuses on underwater acoustic propagation, scattering from complex ocean boundaries and ambient noise in the sea. Dr. Bradley has served as director of the NATO Underwater Research Center, La Spezia, Italy; superintendent of the Acoustics Division of the Naval Research Laboratory; and mine warfare technical adviser to the Chief of Naval Operations. Dr. Bradley's seminal contributions to the field of acoustics have been recognized with many awards and leadership positions within the ASA. They include the Meritorious Civilian Service Award, 1982; and Superior Civilian Service Award, in 1993 from the Department of the Navy. In the ASA he served as chair of the Underwater Acoustics Technical Committee, 1988-1991; on the Executive Council 1991 to 1992; as associate editor 1997-2001, and as chair, Medals and Awards Committee, 2003-2010. He was President of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), 2012-2013.