Librorum in Omni Facultate & Scientiæ Præstantissimorum, Catalogus. Or, A Catalogue of the Libraries of Henry Smith, Esq; Late One of the Benchers of the Inner-Temple; and the Reverend Mr. Ilive ...: Among which are Very Near Compleat Set of the King of France's Cabinet of Prints, Bound in Morocco, with the King's-Arms. Grævius and Gronovius, 28 Vol, Large Paper. Grævius's Antiquities of Italy, 27 Vol. Large Paper. Grævius's Antiquities of Sicily, 15 Vol. Large Paper. Tractatus Tractatuum, 28 Vol. Best Edition. Rymer's Fœdera, 19 Vol. Montfaucon's Antiquities, 15 Vol. Large Paper. Ciceronis Opera, 4 Vol. Apud Juntas. Biblia Sacra, 8 Vol. Parisiis Typographia Regia. Philosophical Transactions, 30 Vol. Compleat. As Also a Compleat Set of the Best Editions of the Classicks, with a Very Large Number of Books of Prints, Architecture, Painting, &c. Together with a Compleat Set of the Common Law. Which Will Begin to be Sold Very Cheap, the Lowest Price Fixed in Each Book, on Wednesday the 2nd of May, at Nine of the Clock in the Morning; at Thomas Osborne's Shop in Gray's-Inn. 1733. Catalogues to be Had at the Place of Sale, and Money for Any Library of Books..
Thomas Osborne