This collection of essays on cognition, which involves continental as much as analytical approaches, attempts to observe cognitive processes in three areas: in culture, in nature, and in an area that can – at least from some point of view – be perceived as an “in-between” of culture and nature: memes. All authors introduce a certain dynamic input in cognitive theory, as they negotiate between the empirical and the conceptual, or between epistemology and the study of culture. In all chapters, culture, nature, and memes turn out to be dynamic in the sense of being non-essentialist, their significations and modulating functions always being multi-dimensional. The chapters shed new light on classical themes of cognitive theory as: ‘problems of creation, generation and emergence,’ ‘animals’ thoughts and beliefs,’ ‘minds and computing,’ ‘knowledge and its social dimension,’ ‘thoughts and emotions,’ ‘the innate state of lexical concepts’ and ‘memetics and stylistics.’