This is the e-version of Key's most up-to-the-date collection of comprehensive poeticals. Everything from the book is contained in this piece of e, but there are also some trinkets and other little weevils involved that might sugar the pill. These, poems (by award-winning Key) are primarily about love, sex, dreams, death and fruit (strawberries, beans etc). This ebook has come out as a sort of accompaniment to the audiobook and the actualbook because, in truth, if you stop and think about it for ten seconds, this is the way that the book industry is going and we all have to accept that and try and get on with it. I suppose, if we're being honest with ourselves, it's probably nicer to have the actualbook in our hands or on our shelves or in a bag full of other books and unwanted clothes to take to the charity shop, but, increasingly, words are found on memory sticks and we have adapt to this and stop looking for people to blame. In case you haven't had the pleasure of fondling the book itself, you should know that it weighs about three quarters of a kilo, has a photo of Key stood on the cover and is the sort of size that would fit into almost all handbags and almost no purses or pockets.