The Child of Mars continues the story of Commander Nathan Blake - who is marooned on Mars. The story begins with Nazi scientist Dr. Kurt Krautkrämer's superhuman research falling into the hands of agents working for the Chinese Communist Party. The Chinese work to develop their own superhuman army - and to unleash it on their arch-nemesis; America, and to control the future of the earth and all of humanity.
The Child of Mars introduces new heroes you will love and new villains you will love to hate.
The Child of Mars takes you on an epic journey from Earth to Mars - and the distant corners of the Milky Way.
The Child of Mars is packed with action adventure and is a dark, transgressive vision of Earth's future.
The Child of Mars is the second part of the Children Trilogy - following on from The Children of the Third Reich.
Tim works in digital marketing in Toronto and is well-traveled, having visited over 80 countries. When he is not working or writing he likes to spend time with his family and German Shepherd - and to go cycling.
Tim has written ten books; The Secret Policemen and The Secret Service - both dystopian dark comedies; as well as seven science fiction novels - Extinction, Annabelle, Fission, The Children of the Third Reich, The Child of Mars, and The Children of Andaalwaald.
Tim has also written Magpie - a dark and intense journey into the world of international espionage and terrorism.
Tim mostly enjoys writing transgressive fiction - mainly about aliens and psychopaths.