Shown for the villain that he is, the Grand Mage is on the run—and he’s kidnapped the crown heir. The realm is in turmoil. The critical hour is at hand. But at a time when unity is paramount, no one can be trusted—King Vashean least of all.
Kerstin’s schemes have not played out in her favour. With her impending execution, it seems she’s burned one bridge too many. Pity though, she was mankind’s only hope ...
Hinkle would love nothing more than to see Kerstin get what she deserves—especially with the way she’s been looking at Sir Gilkrist. But for once her aunt might actually be right. Count Olgris has escaped—and he holds the final piece to his master’s sinister design. The question is, will anybody listen?
The world is about to plunge into the most terrifying darkness its ever known. And no one who can do anything about it is moving in the right direction …
Bewitched at a young age by all things to do with swords and magic, Canadian fantasy author Timothy J. R. Rains spent his youth slaughtering Minotaurs in the misty woods of rural Nova Scotia.
He studied cartography at the Centre of Geographic Sciences and has a degree in theology from Briercrest College. And when he isn’t caught up in another dimension, he’s usually out in the middle of some cold river with a cigar in his teeth and a fishing rod in his hands.
He lives with his wife and young son and daughter in Riverview, New Brunswick.