Are you seriously considering growing your own cannabis, but have no idea where to begin? Tired of wasting your money on crappy, low-quality marijuana? Are you wary of laced cannabis from unscrupulous dealers?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this guide is just what you need.
In this guide, Tom Gordon skips the fluff and shows you everything you need to know to grow healthy, robust and highly potent buds with the latest growing knowledge and methods, from choosing the right strains to selecting a healthy mother plant or whether to plant indoors or outdoors.
Here's a small snippet of what you're going to learn in Growing Cannabis:
Everything you need to know about the historically significant and controversial cannabis plant
Life-changing benefits of properly regulated marijuana use and proven ways cannabis can be used to fight diseases and addictions
The different strains of cannabis plants and how to figure out the one that is just right for you
Factors to consider when deciding whether to grow your marijuana indoors or outdoors
The ultimate outdoor marijuana growing calendar to help you effectively prepare for cultivation
Simple, effective hacks to help you select healthy, high-quality cannabis seeds
All you need to know about lighting, temperature and air when dealing with marijuana seeds
Steps to help you choose a robust mother plant for your marijuana
Step-by-step instructions to clone a marijuana plant without fuss or headaches
...and tons more!
Whether it's your very first time cultivating marijuana or you're a seasoned cannabis farmer looking for new tips and techniques to upgrade your gardening skills, the information contained in Growing Cannabis will equip you with all the knowledge you need to produce high-quality buds every time.