Typically generating a great deal of interest, excitement, and volatility, initial public offerings (IPOs) offer investors and traders with opportunities for both short-term and long-term profits. In the Third Edition of High-Profit IPO Strategies, IPO expert Tom Taulli explains all facets of IPO investing and trading, with a particular emphasis on the industries that are fueling the next generation of IPOs, from social networking and cloud computing to mobile technology.
In the past year alone, many of these types of IPOs have provided enormous opportunities for nimble traders as prices have fluctuated widely for several months following the offering. This new edition reflects the new IPO environment and presents you with the insights needed to excel in such a dynamic arena.
Comprehensive in scope, the Third Edition of High-Profit IPO Strategies offers investors and traders with actionable information to profit in this lucrative sector of the financial market.
TOM TAULLI writes about venture capital and IPOs for Forbes.com as well as the IPOPlaybook.com. He has been involved in the financial markets since the mid-1990s when he launched WebIPO. It was a place where investors could go for research and access to deals during the dot-com boom. He has written several books, including Investing in IPOs, Investing in IPOs Version 2.0, The Complete M&A Handbook, All About Short Selling, and All About Commodities. Besides his writings, Taulli is routinely quoted in the media about upcoming deals with his interviews on CNBC and Bloomberg TV. He can be reached??at [email protected] or on Twitter at @ttaulli.