Showcasing the latest advances in very-large-scale integrated (VLSI) circuits, VLSI: Circuits for Emerging Applications provides a balanced view of industrial and academic developments beyond silicon and complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) technology. From quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) to chips for cochlear implants, this must-have resource:
VLSI: Circuits for Emerging Applications presents cutting-edge research, design architectures, materials, and uses for VLSI circuits, offering valuable insight into the current state of the art of micro- and nanoelectronics.
Tomasz Wojcicki is currently vice president of engineering and customer engineering support at Sidense Corporation, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He previously worked at the Institute of Electron Technology, Warsaw, Poland, and at MOSAID Technologies, Inc., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (now Conversant Intellectual Property Management). At MOSAID, he was instrumental in growing the company’s design services into a multimillion-dollar business, and served as a director responsible for the development of a family of classification products based on dynamic and static content-addressable memories. He holds an MSEE from Warsaw Technical University, Poland, as well as six patents, and has authored and coauthored several publications.