Dr. Ton Kloks is a researcher of graph algorithms. He studied mathematics at Eindhoven University in the Netherlands during the 1980s. He received his PhD in computer science from Utrecht University in The Netherlands in 1993 for his thesis on treewidth. He has authored 179 papers and the total number of citations is more than 5000.
Mingyu Xiao is a professor and vice dean of the School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. He received his PhD in computer science from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2008. He is known for his work in exact and parameterized algorithms, autonomous agents and multi-agent systems, optimization, and so on. He designed the best exact algorithms for more than 10 basic NP-hard problems, including the famous maximum independent set problem. He has authored or co-authored close to hundred papers in prestigious journals and conferences, including AAAI, IJCAI, WWW, AAMAS, ICALP, I&C, JCSS, and Algorithmica. He served as a conference chair/ PC chair/area chair for FAW 2017, IJCAI 2017, NCTCS 2020, and ICCCS 2021, and a PC member for more than 20 prestigious conferences.