The international dimension of the book allows it to address the impact of globalisation on teacher education, with attention given to subjects such as the implications of rapid technological change, the movement of teachers and students on a global level and the drive to improve standards in various parts of the world. The book asks key questions, such as whether teaching is a craft or a profession and whether teacher educators view themselves as practitioners or researchers. The question of how the profession is viewed from outside is also addressed, highlighting the lack of trust displayed by politicians and communities towards both teachers and teacher educators. The final chapter looks to the future, and considers strategies for dealing with it.
This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Education for Teaching.
Tony Townsend is Professor of Public Service, Educational Leadership and Management at the University of Glasgow, UK. He previously worked at Florida Atlantic University, USA, and Monash University, Australia, and has been president of both the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement and the International Council on Education for Teaching. Professor Townsend has worked with educators in more than 60 countries and has been visiting professor in Canada, South Africa, Macau, the Republic of Ireland, Czech Republic and Malaysia. In 2005 he was the Australian Council for Educational Leaders’ Travelling Scholar. He has written or edited 11 books and published more than 100 articles or chapters in the areas of school effectiveness and improvement, leadership, community education, policy development and school improvement.