Two of Tracie Peterson and Judith Miller's Beloved Series in a 6-in-1 Collection
The Bells of Lowell series unfolds in a small town during the late 19th century, weaving together the lives of three young women. In Daughter of the Loom, Lilly Armbruster battles against the mill owners while navigating a complex relationship with her childhood friend and one-time betrothed. A Fragile Design follows Arabella Newberry's quest for independence while struggling with her heart as two men vie for her love. These Tangled Threads explores Daughtie Winfield's delicate romance with an Irish artisan as they work together to help runaway enslaved people.
The Lights of Lowell series includes the novels A Tapestry of Hope, A Love Woven True, and The Pattern of Her Heart and explores the compelling tale of a plantation owner's daughter who holds a dangerous secret. Her unwavering determination to free the people her father has enslaved threatens to undo her family as well as the ties that bind the area's burgeoning textile industry to the Southern cotton growers.