Jonel B. (Pure Jonel)
Fernando takes the world of MCs by storm with her fast paced, erotically infused novel. The danger, suspense, and camaraderie of the MC lifestyle shines through, giving readers a glimpse into the life. It set the tone for the entire story. Everything was all or nothing, from relationships, to sex, to business, to life itself. Fernando’s vivid descriptions paint life at the clubhouse while also showing the danger faced by the women surrounding the club. Fernando also writes some sizzling hot scenes to top of the already exciting and suspenseful story. Sex is a prevalent part of the story, but always adds to the plot of the tale & to character development. Fernando’s characters definitely demand an audience. Their lifelike reactions allow readers to identify with them as their world spins through circles that most of us will never experience. Tracker’s mix of all alpha, all the time and genuine caring for those around him was quite the paradox. It made him an unforgettable character that I couldn’t look away from. Heck, I would have traded places with Lana in a heartbeat. Lana’s need to be trusted but inability to trust men seems to go hand in hand with her secret. I appreciated the fact that for this MC, being an ‘Old Lady’ and getting married weren’t mutually exclusive. As main characters, these two were a hot, captivating couple. The supporting cast also captured my attention. Everyone was so close knit that I couldn’t help but wanting to be part of their family. This may be my first foray into Fernando’s work, but it definitely won’t be my last. Her masterful writing combined with her in your face style draw you deep into her story, creating a world unlike any other. Please note that I received a complimentary copy of this work in exchange for an honest review.
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Christine Lawrence
Was hard getting into the first book but by the third book I so didn't want it to be over! I really hope she surprises us with a fourth book about rake! How can she give us a little itty bitty taste of that drama and not follow up on it!? My fingers are crossed! Love love love!
1 person found this review helpful
Cristina Cobos
I loved all three books. They were hilarious, dramatic, and with enough action to keep you on your toes. Absolutely a must read.
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