Trixie the Halloween Fairy: Special

Β· Hachette UK
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Get ready for an exciting fairy adventure with the no. 1 bestselling series for girls aged 5 and up.

Trixie the Halloween Fairy makes sure that Halloween is fun-filled and exciting for everyone!
But when a gang of greedy goblins steal Trixie's Enchanted Sweets, all Halloween plans are thrown into chaos. Can Kirsty and Rachel help Trixie find the Enchanted Sweets before this special day is ruined for everyone?

'These stories are magic; they turn children into readers!'

If you like Rainbow Magic, check out Daisy Meadows' other series: Magic Animal Friends and Unicorn Magic!

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The Rainbow Magic, Unicorn Magic and Pixie Magic books are written by a small collective of authors under the name Daisy Meadows. Rainbow Magic is the no.1 bestselling series for children aged 5 and up with over 40 million copies sold worldwide! Learn more about the books at, where you can find your Rainbow Magic fairy and discover a new series to enjoy.

Georgie Ripper was born in London and is a children's book illustrator known for her work on the Rainbow Magic series of fairy books. She won the Macmillan Prize for Picture Book Illustration in 2000 with My Best Friend Bob and Little Brown Bushrat which she authored and illustrated.

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