The handbook consists of two sections -- Models and Extensions, and Applications. Each section includes many interesting works in the respective domain. Section I presents papers on topics like the multi-product newsvendor problems; the newsvendor problem with law invariant coherent measures of risk; a Copula approach to inventory pooling problems with newsvendor products; repeated newsvendor games with transshipments; cooperative newsvendor games; an economic interpretation for the price-setting newsvendor problem; newsvendor models with alternative risk preferences within expected utility theory and prospect theory frameworks; and newsvendor problems with VaR and CVaR consideration. Section II presents papers on such topics as a two-period newsvendor problem for closed-loop supply chain analysis; the remanufacturing newsvendor problem; inventory centralization in a newsvendor setting when shortage costs differ; production planning on an unreliable machine for multiple items; analysis of the newsvendor problem under carbon emissions policies; optimal decisions of the manufacturer and distributor in a fresh product supply chain involving long distance transportation; a newsvendor perspective on profit target setting for multiple divisions; and a portfolio approach to multi-product newsvendor problem with budget constraint.
This well-balanced handbook presents a wealth of theoretical results from different perspectives. With contributions from many of the leading researchers in the field, the Handbook of Newsvendor Problems: Models, Extensions and Applications is a timely addition to the literature and consolidates all the new and exciting works related to the newsvendor problem into one high quality source.