Tyler: (Areion Fury MC Book 3)

Areion Fury MC 3-р ном · Esther E. Schmidt
24 шүүмж
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 Tyler doesn’t have many things to worry about in his life. Fully patched in to Areion Fury MC, he finally has a solid spot in the brotherhood he calls his family. When a girl steps up to defend him against the teasing of his brothers, he’s stunned. The moment Tyler locks his gaze with the most intriguing eyes he’s ever seen, he knows with every fiber of his being that this is supposed to be his girl.

Ridley’s only living relative manages to destroy every chance she has at happiness by constantly causing trouble. To protect herself Ridley likes to hide; beneath her raven black hair, her clothes, her shop. Slowly but surely the harassment is becoming more violent so to protect the ones she cares for, she pushes them away. Except the stubborn, handsome biker leaves her no other option but to accept that he isn’t going anywhere.

When you are forced to look over your shoulder all day, every day, it is impossible to live. Can the meeting of two similar souls spark a solution? Will Ridley stand up for what she wants in life and stop hiding? Will Tyler get his happily ever after or will he see it crash and burn?

For a greater reading experience:
"Zack" Areion Fury MC book one
"Deeds" Broken Deeds MC book one
"Dams" Areion Fury MC book two
"Tyler" Areion Fury MC book three

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24 шүүмж

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Esther E. Schmidt, author of Areion Fury MC, Broken Deeds MC, Wicked Throttle MC, Lost Valkyries MC, Death by Reaper MC, The Dudnik Circle series, and The Swamp Heads series. She’s a graphic designer that also loves to write. She released her first series “Areion Fury MC” in October 2015. Esther lives in The Netherlands with her family, three daughters, and a crazy bulldog. She loves to write about bad boy Alphas with a heart for only one woman. To make it a bit interesting, that woman needs to be a badass herself. She loves to work out and most of her story lines come from doing cardio.





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