Adrian Colley
Many years have passed since I found a story that I couldn't wait to resume reading, and this is one. It's a peculiar story of a peculiar character who inspires endless fascination. Prideful, wounded, lonely, bitter, and compassionate: Isserley is a most human protagonist, though no hero. This story's elements were butchered into a movie of the same name, but the plot and characters are entirely different.
3 people found this review helpful
Anne Parsons
The only issue I have with this book, is that it seems like I read a prototype of something that was meant to be better and complete. Overall, it had a great line of thinking in it. I probably won't care to see the movie... which is always a good sign.
Udai Sankar
Well what can i say... Glazer made it into a damn movie,a very good one actually starring ScarJo! I came to know about the book after the trailer was released.. And read it! Very gripping and hypnotic!