Hailing from the capital city ‘Delhi’, Deepika Bhatnagar believes that magic can be created through the words. She is a student of English Literature and is the founder of “Unexpressed Desires”.She has a flair for writing, which she discovered when she was thirteen years old and her first poem “Life” was published in ‘The Hindustan Times’. Since then her articles have been published in various magazines and newspapers. She has been the co-author of various anthologies like: ‘Khwabo Ki Syahi’, ‘Roshan Anthology 75 Authors conceptualized by Deepika Bhatnagar Syahi’, ‘Reverie’ ‘Carnations’ ‘Ikhtiyar’, and ‘Nibstars’ etc.Besides writing, she loves singing and reading books. For her, writing is the best way to weave feelings and emotions of the heart into words and carving them onto the paper.
You can contact her on: -INSTAGRAM: @deepikabhatnagarEMAIL: deepika.bhatnagar14@gmail.comFACEBOOK PAGE:https://www.facebook.com/Deepika.Bhatnagar11/