What you eat is extremely important, and that has never changed.Here, we will examine the Original Bible Diet and explore the following;What is it? What does it mean? What makes it kosher?
"Kosher" in Hebrew means fit, correct, or proper.The set of dietary laws dictates not only what foods can be eaten but how they need to be prepared, and it also tells us what foods can be eaten together.
However, there is more to it; the laws of Kashrut go back thousands of years; it was written in the Torah, and it describes: Which type of animals can be eaten, How that animal is to be prepared for consumption, What parts of the animal can be eaten.Here we go in-depth, we not only look at what is considered clean and unclean, but we also look at what is considered food according to the Bible.
We look at the biblical reasons why certain foods we should not consume, and we back that up with scientific facts for those requiring more than YAHUAH's word.Explore this book and find out in detail why YAHUAH instructed us to stay away from certain foods.The biblical facts are presented to you in such a way that the truth can not be denied; the truth is the truth.
This is an amazing book with so much information that you can not help but fully understand the importance of following YAHUAH's instructions. There is so much here; you will not be disappointed.
Unknown Hebrew is a Forth Tribe tried and true Hebrew Israelite. Like many of us, I started in the halls of Christian doctrine; however, my desire to learn more about the script increased, and I was led back to where it all began — the Hebrew Israelite Nation. Since then, I have not looked back; every day, I study, write, and read the word; while asking for understanding. Some wonder why I go by the pin name; Unknown Hebrew; for me, it is a way to keep the spotlight off me and on YAHUAH, our ELOHIM. Here is what YAHUAH wants us to achieve while on Earth.
Read the scriptures to understand the ways of our ELOHIM.
Study to show yourself approved.
Take on the ways of the Order of Melchizedek.
Spread the gospel to Israelites worldwide.
Wait for our King and High Priest YAHUSHUA to return.