The Feast of Dedication, known as the Hanukkah, is a minor Feast because the Torah/Pentateuch does not mandate it. It started during the time of the Maccabees, around 165 BCE. It is observed for eight days beginning on the 25th day of the Hebrew month, Kislev. According to the Hebrew calendar, it may occur between November to late December. Some have chosen to adopt the Gemara or the Talmud teaching about this event and relegate it to being more about the oil that re-lit the menorah at the Temple. According to the Talmud, the Maccabees only found enough oil for one day, but miraculously it burned for eight days. There is no doubt that the Feast's origin lies in the Maccabean military victory. However, the "rabbis" effectively rebranded this Feast so that instead of glorifying Maccabees' military prowess, the Feast instead glorifies the unconditional and miraculous divine light that "Jews" can rely on when in darkness.
This book focuses on the historical, military, and spiritual background that leads to the rebellion under the Maccabees. We also explain how and when it is to be celebrated. We explore the Syrian Greeks who had a Seleucid Emperor from the North, a man called Antiochus Epiphanes. He wanted to force the Israelites to worship idols and become "Hellenized." Through force, he forbids circumcision, keeping of the Sabbath and Feast Days, and makes them eat swine. Even worst, he is assisted by a group of Yahudim themselves, the "Hellenists," who believed in Antiochus' plan and detested their own culture. The Israelites rally, and in a 3-year guerilla war, and against all odds, a small group of Yahudim, led by Judas, the Maccabees fought. They were able to free the land from Greek rule. The recaptured Temple was cleansed and purified. Hanukkah is about re-dedication and re-capturing of the Temple. The battles continued for another twenty years, so it did not end the war; this happened towards the beginning of the battles.
So, what is Hanukkah, and what does it commemorate? The Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) is the celebration of:
• The recapturing and the cleansing of the Temple after the Greeks defiled it.
• Re-dedication of the Temple.
• The victory over the Greeks.
The recapturing of the Temple was looked at as a way of YAHUAH telling the Yahudim, you are not powerless or helpless; to have hope, do not give up, keep going with my blessing, nothing is impossible, and that gave them the courage to keep fighting. We see that it was not only a spiritual battle but it is also a physical battle the Maccabees fought against Greek oppression that ignited a revolution. Not only will you learn the true history of the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah), but you will discover how we celebrate it today. However, the actual celebrating begins at the return of the Messiah, and He will bring true joy to the world!
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Unknown Hebrew is a Forth Tribe tried and true Hebrew Israelite. Like many of us, I started in the halls of Christian doctrine; however, my desire to learn more about the script increased, and I was led back to where it all began — the Hebrew Israelite Nation. Since then, I have not looked back; every day, I study, write, and read the word; while asking for understanding. Some wonder why I go by the pin name; Unknown Hebrew; for me, it is a way to keep the spotlight off me and on YAHUAH, our ELOHIM. Here is what YAHUAH wants us to achieve while on Earth. Read the scriptures to understand the ways of our ELOHIM.
Study to show yourself approved.
Take on the ways of the Order of Melchizedek.
Spread the gospel to Israelites worldwide.
Wait for our King and High Priest YAHUSHUA to return.