It is incredible what interesting animals evolved in New Zealand - due to 80 million years of untouched and uninfluenced evolution! It's right up there with Galapagos and Australia.
This ebook tries to inspire the reader to keep eyes open for more than Kiwi and penguins. Plan your wildlife viewing opportunities even before you travel to New Zealand. Including a link to an exclusive photo gallery.
Get ready for the trip of a lifetime and impress those Kiwis with your knowledge! With Maori names.
Table of Contents:
Why New Zealand animals are unique
Extinct animals
Marine animals
Wildlife encounters in New Zealand
More information: New Zealand websites and books
So many New Zealand animals to fall in love with!
Moa - Haast Eagle - Huia - Giant Penguin - Flightless Wrens - Kiwi - Kakapo - Kea - Kaka - Kokako - Penguins - Tui - Bellbird - Pukeko - Takahe - New Zealand Falcon - New Zealand Kingfisher - Dotterel - Wrybill - White Heron - Blue Duck - Fantail - New Zealand Pigeon - Tomtit - New Zealand Robin - Rifleman - Morepork - Weka - Saddleback - Kakariki - Grey Warbler - Silvereye or Waxeye - Variable Oystercatcher - Australasian Gannet - Albatross - Royal Spoonbill - Shag/Cormorant - Black Swan Kakiana - New Zealand Fairy Tern - Buller's Shearwater - Bar-tailed Godwit - Red-billed Gull - Magpie - Californian Quail - Myna - Weta - Stick Insect - Praying Mantis - Sandfly - New Zealand Giraffe Weevil - Puriri Moth - Red Admiral - New Zealand Black Cockroach - Huhu - Bag Moth - Cicada - Passionvine Hopper - Katipo - Giant Centipede - Wasps - Glowworm - Hector’s and Maui‘s Dolphin - Sperm Whale - Orca - Longfinned Eel - New Zealand Fur Seal - New Zealand Sea Lion - Colossal Squid - Rock Lobster/Crayfish - Freshwater Crayfish - Short-tail Stingray - Sea Urchin - Paua, Pipi, Tuatua, Cockles, Scallops - Tuatara - Kauri Snail - Hamilton's and Maud Island Frog - New Zealand bats - Geckos - Leaf-veined Slug - Flatworm - Velvet Worm or Peripatus - Possum - Sheep