Intended Audience
A Comprehensive Book for BAMS students, M.D. scholars, Academicians, Practitioners, and Researchers. This book will help in precise & deeper understanding of the principles, concepts & practices of Basti Karma.
Outstanding Features
All the topics related to fundamentals, practices, practical considerations are described in detail critically as told in Brihatrayee, Laghutrayee, Vangasena, Vrinda Madhava, etc. classical texts, and commentaries with a conclusion.
Experiences of eminent physicians, research findings & my past 18 years of experiences are also included in order to make the book more practical & authentic.
The classifications, dose, indications, contraindications, etc. subjects are presented in tabular form for easier and better understanding.
The mode of action has been described both by Ayurvedic and Modern views in order to highlight the scientific substantiation of action of therapies.
The research section deals with the problems of research, research methodology, researches done on Basti Karma, area of research, Basti Record form.
Prof. Vasant Patil graduated from SVM Ayurvedic College, Ilkal affiliated to RGUHS, Bangalore. He completed M.D. (Panchakarma) in August 2006 from Institute for Post Graduate Teaching & Research in Ayurveda (IPGTRA), Gujrat Ayurved University, Jamnagar. He is well versed in Classical & Keraliya Panchakarma. He is practicing Ayurveda since 2001 and engaged in teaching since 2006.
He published more than 40 papers in research journals. Author also reviewed more than 50 articles of Peer Reviewed International Journals. Currently he is working as executive editor for Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine (JAHM).
Recipient of 2nd prize in an essay competition on ‘‘Rationale behind Panchakarma Therapy’’ organized by Punarnava Ayurveda, Mahabalipuram (2006).
Recipient of 1st prize in an essay competition on ‘‘Bahirparimarjana Cikitsa’’ organized by Dr. Ishwara Reddy Memorial Trust, at Bellary (2007).
Books Published:
Snehana Therapy in Ayurveda, Choukhambha Publications, New Delhi, 2008
Clinical Diagnosis in Ayurveda, Atreya Ayurveda Publications
Principles & Practice of Pañcakarma, 5th edition, Choukhambha Publications, New Delhi, 2021
Essentials of Practical Pachakarma, Choukhambha Publications, New Delhi, 2016
Text book of Pañcakarma for UG – As per CCIM Syllabus of BAMS
Keraliya Pañcakarma by Atreya Ayurveda Publications , 2019
Suśruta Samhita- A text with Ḍalhaṇa’s commentary and critical notes, Choukhambha Publications, New Delhi, 2019
A Guide to Ayurvedic Clincial Practice for Practitioners, Choukhambha Sanskrit Pratishtana, New Delhi, 2016
Text book of Research methodology and medical statistics, Choukhambha Sanskrit Pratishtana, New Delhi, 2019
Chakradatta English Translation, Choukhambha Publications, New Delhi, 2020-2021(In Press)