While if you lack awareness of all these, you end up exploited, as a human being, in a human world. Because you cannot study the human reality without comprehending those controlling the knowledge about the human reality and how they do so forcefully, consensually, or through stereotypes set in place since Aristotle and long before, since this is how they end up controlling you, and the entire world.
Furthermore, you cannot form an accurate model of the universe if you do not understand yourself, if you do not understand exactly your needs driving you to perform this study, if you do not understand your mind constituting your means of understanding the universe, and if you do not understand Life altogether spanning the universe, actively involved in its structure, shape, behavior and development. At the same time, understanding the world around is the key to understanding yourself, your life, and your meaning in life and in the world, closing this circle of knowledge.
Since this is why we consider the most relevant circumstances behind the famous studies of the world, we find true ideas and how they influence the understanding of the world throughout time, we seek to understand how and why people accept consensual, scientific, and ideological models of this world and how this influences their life, interconnectivity, and development, while we discover systematically this entire world. Furthermore, we use this study of the human reality to test all significant knowledge and ideas, including human reasoning, past civilizations, indoctrination, Einstein, astral planes of existence, ideologies, Renaissance, the Brotherhood, ideological control, ages of Earth, cosmogony, social and mind control, Giordano Bruno, consensual interconnectivity, Relativity, human origins and development, Copernicus, the Consensual Matrix, the Big Bang Theory, dreams, ancient wars, stereotypes, Galileo Galilei, conscious reasoning, Schrodinger, his cat, Creationism, alternate realities, and much more, the entire human reality.
This book studies systematically the human reality, focusing on accurate truth while discarding beliefs and errors of reasoning, correlating with all relevant knowledge form physics, religion, spirituality, society, education, history, psychology, and more. If you want to learn more about everything surrounding you and everything that you really are, this book is for you.
Valentin Leonard Matcas, M.Ed., is a researcher, physicist, mathematician, educator, and an author of nonfiction and fiction books, including the entire “Human” book series, and he welcomes you into his creative world. He writes in his books that you should always reason independently, since you are more meaningful and more capable than entire worlds and realities. And with each book that he writes, he takes you closer to understanding yourself, life, and the entire world. Valentin Leonard Matcas is unique, intelligent, highly demanding, and highly persistent, currently living his life in a pristine environment, while researching and writing all his books. Yet everyone is unique, intelligent, highly persistent, and highly demanding, this is what defines our continuous development throughout life, and this is what adds living details to our world. And what we want the most is to see the world in its true colors, and to understand the hidden and the unreached, while understanding ourselves in life and in the world, exactly as everything is.
Valentin Leonard Matcas creates the following comprehensive models in psychology, biology, physics, and sociology: model for the human needs, addictions, knowledge, reasoning, feelings, errors of reasoning, modes of life, cognitive model for the human intelligences, models for this Reality, for other realities, and for the One, model for Life in all her forms and realities, model of the human civilization, human status, and human rights, depiction of the hierarchy of intelligences, models for the human behavior, consciousness, achievement, abilities, meaning, lifestyle, health, development, condition, feelings, fulfillment, nature, limitations, dreams, creativity, and developmental patterns, model for the natural human environment and for the Fictitious Matrix, models for the conscious, subconscious, highconscious, and classconscious intelligences, true model for the human society, model and depiction of the human conspiracy, models for the Higher Laws and for the Natural Laws of the Universe, study of the Field, model for existence, study and depiction of timelines and lifelines of causality, model of the human interconnectivity, and much more. All these form a comprehensive model for humans, life, the world, and for the human place and meaning in life and in the world, so consistent and so detailed, that you can always find yourself at its core.
Valentin Leonard Matcas wrote the “Human” book series in the following order: “The Human Needs”, “The Human Addictions,” “The Hierarchy of Needs,” “Stay in Shape, Lead a Healthy Life,” “The Human Origins,” The Human Society,” “The Human Conspiracy,” “The Human Mind,” “The Human Reality,” “Astral Planes and Your Other Realities,” “Life,” “The Hierarchy of Intelligences,” “The Human Intelligences,” “The Human Thoughts,” “Mental Models and Successful Ideas,” “The Human Attitudes,” “The Human Stereotypes,” “The Human Ideology,” “Modes of Life,” “The Human Development,” “Patterns of Development,” “The Human Lifestyle,” “Heal Yourself,” “The Human Civilization,” “The Human Religion and Spirituality,” “The Human Rights,” “Higher Laws,” “Natural Laws of the Universe,” “Existence,” “The Human Condition”, “Lifelines of Causality,” “The Human Behavior,” “Flat Earth,” “The Human Environment,” “The Human Meaning,” “The Human Interconnectivity,” “The Human Reasoning,” and “The Fictitious Matrix.”
As an enthusiast of science fiction, Valentin Leonard Matcas writes about terrestrial and alien civilizations, about life in the Universe, the way it develops and intertwines across galaxies, about powerful beings as they control and reshape the Universe, and about normal human beings from Earth caught in this beautiful, wider, outstanding interconnectivity. Valentin Leonard Matcas creates a living, warmer, credible universe in his books, teaming with life and vibrancy on all levels of existence. Valentin Leonard Matcas wrote “The Storyteller” book series, including “The Storyteller,” “Starship Colonial,” and “Unlimited,” and “The Culling” book series, including “The Culling,” “The Dream of the Dead,” and “The Last Man on Earth.”
When he is not writing, Valentin Leonard Matcas enjoys researching, hiking, swimming, kayaking, skiing, snowboarding, biking, reading, listening to music, and playing strategy videogames. You may discover all his books, videos, and articles.