“Paradigms of Combinatorial Optimization” is divided in two parts:
• Paradigmatic Problems, that handles several famous combinatorial optimization problems as max cut, min coloring, optimal satisfiability tsp, etc., the study of which has largely contributed to both the development, the legitimization and the establishment of the Combinatorial Optimization as one of the most active actual scientific domains;
• Classical and New Approaches, that presents the several methodological approaches that fertilize and are fertilized by Combinatorial optimization such as: Polynomial Approximation, Online Computation, Robustness, etc., and, more recently, Algorithmic Game Theory.
Vangelis Th. Paschos is Exceptional Professor of Computer Science and Combinatorial Optimization at the University Paris-Dauphine and chairman of the LAMSADE (Laboratory for the Modeling and the Analysis of Decision Aiding Systems). His research interests include the complexity theory, the theory of the polynomial approximation of NP-hard problems, the probabilistic combinatorial optimization, the on-line computation and the exact solution of NP-hard problems. He is the author of more than a hundred and fifty research papers. He is also member of the editorial board of several international scientific journals.