VANNOY GENTLES FITE lives in Saltillo, Texas, with her husband, Vance, and her baby Silky, Mala. Vannoy loves herbs, gardening, shopping for anything, eating, studying anything herbal or Ayurvedic, and writing. She has three grandsons that are the loves of her life; two exceptional daughters; a step-granddaughter; and two sons-in-law that make her life an exhilarating roller-coaster ride every day.
MICHELE GENTLES McDANIEL lives with her husband, Jesse, and her Silky, Misa, in Pickton, Texas. Michele loves to write, garden, work puzzles, develop new herbal remedies, and travel. She has two children and nine grandchildren.
VANNOY LIN REYNOLDS lives with her husband, Jerry, and her two Maltese, Phibi and Raeleen, in Arp, Texas. Lin likes to cook, practice yoga, socialize, travel, shop, study anything Ayurvedic, and fly airplanes. She has one stepdaughter, Sara, whom she loves unconditionally.