1. Don't Steal My Smell - Sunil Thacker provide a global overview on registration of smell or olfactory marks as trademarks.
2. Shipping and Maritime Laws - Margarida Narciso advises on broad range of shipping and maritime laws prevailing in the UAE
3. Even Co2 sells! - Surbhi Veer questions the legality of carbon credits and discusses the pros and cons of dealing in, dealing with and relating to carbon credits industry.
4. Offenses against the Family - Marwan Mohamed covers detailed synopsis on laws affecting families in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates with special emphasis on divorce, child kidnapping, child custody and other key matters.
5. Arbitration in the Federal Code - Ashraf has raised the highly debated issue governing nullification of arbitrator's award under the UAE law. When can a party challenge arbitrator's award? The grounds on which claims to set aside arbitration award should be based and other aspects relating to UAE Civil Code.
6. Malta Individual Investor Programme - Katherine has provided a special input for investors interested in the MII Programme.
7. Ijarah and Arbitration - Zisha Rizvi discusses a comprehensive case study surrounding Islamic finance, lending under Islamic finance, property investment and legal implication and consequences of termination of both - property agreement as well as the Ijarah or lease agreement under laws of Dubai and the UAE.