Epistemology, the study of knowledge, has long grappled with the challenge of determining truth. While the combination of deductive and inductive reasoning has been a cornerstone of scientific inquiry, several limitations emerge in its application to contemporary epistemology. One significant issue lies within the core of falsificationism, a prominent philosophy championed by Karl Popper. Falsificationism posits that a scientific theory can only be proven false, not true. While this approach aims to prevent dogmatic adherence to untested ideas, it can lead to an endless cycle of trial and error. As Popper himself acknowledged, no single experiment can definitively prove a theory correct. Summarizing, the dominance of rationalist thinking has shaped the way we view the world and conduct scientific research. However, this approach often neglects the subjective dimensions of human experience, such as intuition, emotion, and creativity. Consequently, many complex phenomena are difficult to fully explain through the lens of rationalism alone. This article aims to explore the potential of right-brain-based epistemology, which we call intuilytics. This approach emphasizes the role of intuition, creativity, and holistic thinking in the process of acquiring knowledge. This article presents a critical perspective on today’s epistemological practices. It does not intend to discredit the importance of deductive-inductive reasoning or the valuable contributions of philosophers like Karl Popper and economists like Ronald Coase.