At no other point in human history has our ability to understand lifeâ??s complexities been so dependent on our skills to work with and analyze data. This intermediate-level book teaches the general computational and data skills you need to analyze biological data. If you have experience with a scripting language like Python, youâ??re ready to get started.
Vince Buffalo is currently a first-year graduate student studying population genetics in Graham Coop's lab at UC Davis in the Population Biology Graduate Group. Before starting his PhD in population genetics, Vince worked professionally as a bioinformatician in the Bioinformatics Core at the UC Davis Genome Center and in the Department of Plant Sciences. An obsessive programmer since he was a young teenager, Vince was drawn to the statistical and computational problems of genomics. He works on open source bioinformatics tools in his work and free time, and enjoys fly fishing and cooking when away from the computer.