The Lost Tales of Power is an open-ended series of Sci-Fi/Fantasy books set in a vast multiverse featuring a mixture of traditional fantasy and science fiction elements.
Lost Tales Series
Volume I - The Enemy of an Enemy
Volume II - The Academy
Volume III - Rise of Shadows
Volume IV - Resurgence of Ancient Darkness
Volume V - The Sac’a’rith
Volume VI - Spectra’s Gambit
Volume VII - Sac'a'rith: Rebirth
Volume VIII – Mage Hunter
Volume IX – The Cerulean Mines
Volume X and beyond - TBA
Keywords: magic, space, space opera, science fantasy, space exploration, military space, future, military sci-fi, science fiction series, aliens, adventure, war, navy, series, science fiction novels, science fiction ebooks
Vincent, father and husband of nearly two decades, holds degrees in both Math and Computer Science. In addition, he has published an astronomy journal and anchored popular blogs, along with publishing numerous articles, poetry and other works.
He got his start in writing fiction as a small child, losing himself in the worlds he dreamed up in order to escape the doldrums of normal life. Now, using his formal education and extensive career experience, he excels in creating fictional worlds of depth and rich fantasy, while maintaining a foundation of reality based on science and technology.
Vincent invites you to enter this new world. Come and stay awhile!