One good girl, who mistakenly finds herself at the mercy of Krampus, forced to submit to his painful, humiliating punishments in order to earn her freedom.
One wayward elf, desperate to make things right, even if it means accepting the strict, unyielding discipline of the man she tried to ruin.
Two immortals, on opposite sides of the same yuletide coin, who will need to put their differences aside if they have any hope of saving Christmas…and their willful, naughty mates.
Vivian is a sassy romance writer that likes to brat just as much as she writes. As a fly-by-the-seat-of-her-pants author, she's usually working furiously into the night when her creative juices hit her the hardest. Her books like to take you to the dark side and force you to dip your toes in, but don't drown you. She loves writing alphaholes, anti-heroes, and heroes you just love to hate. She likes to try out everything she's putting her heroines through, so the phrase “for science” is used in her house a lot! When she's not writing, you can probably find her playing Animal Crossing or tormenting her cats and Husdom.