There is no settled view or easy consensus about what social work is and should be, and the ideas reflected in this volume are themselves diverse and complex. The world of social work has changed greatly over the last ten years, and this new edition reflects that change with new material on the decolonisation of social work knowledges, the greater emphasis on inter-disciplinarity and co-production and the new concern for identities.
With an accessible introduction to contextualise the selections, the book is divided into three main sections, each presenting key texts drawn from a wide range of perspectives: psychological, sociological, philosophical, educational and political, as well as perspectives that are grounded in the experiences of practitioners and those who use services, which have contributed to the development of:
By providing students and practitioners with an easy way into reading first-hand some of the most interesting, foundational texts of the subject, it will be required reading for all undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and professionals undertaking post-qualifying training.
Viviene E. Cree (PhD) is Professor Emerita of Social Work Studies at the University of Edinburgh. She is the author of Sociology for Social Workers and Probation Officers, editor of Becoming a Social Worker and co-author of Social Work: Voices from the Inside, all published by Routledge.
Trish McCulloch (PhD) is Professor of Social Work and Senior Associate Dean in the School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law at the University of Dundee. She has published widely on justice, social work and, more recently, on social work education and professional learning.