Vjekoslav Damic was born on 27. February 1941 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. He graduated at faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Sarajevo in 1963. The PhD in Engineering he received from University of Sarajevo in 1985. During his professional career he was employed by different industry research institution and universities where he was engaged as lecturer and researcher in field of engineering mechanics, process control, automatic control, robotics, modeling and simulation. From 1992 he was with University of Dubrovnik as professor of Engineering mechanics and Vice Rector. He retired in 2010 as emeritus professor of the University of Dubrovnik. He was also the full member of Croatian Academy of Engineering. After retirement he is in the status of emeritus of the Academy. He published two books and more scientific papers in leading international journals and conferences. His main field of scientific interest is modeling and simulations of engineering system with emphasis on applications of Bond Graphs and 3D visualization. He is creator of BondSim and BondSimVisual programs for simulation and visualization of mechatronic systems.
John Montgomery was born on the 1st of July 1936 in Kilmarnock Scotland. He graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Glasgow with the degree of BSc in 1959. He was awarded the degree of PhD by the University of Nottingham in 1970. He worked for Glenfield and Kennedy, Ruston and Hornsby as a research engineer in the fields of hydraulics and Diesel engines and as a part time lecturer at what is now NottinghamTrent University . He was employed as a full time lecturer there during the period 1964 until 1998. He is co-author of two books He is now retired