Vladimir Kresin graduated from Moscow University. Later he studied with the Landau School of Theoretical Physics. He received his PhD and Doctor of Sci. degrees performing studies in the area of superconductivity. He was a Professor of Theoretical Physics at Moscow Pedagogical University. Since 1980 - Principal Investigator at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, UC Berkeley. V. Kresin published 4 monographs and about 250 scientific papers in different areas, but, mainly, his publications have been concerned with the theory of superconductivity. He was a Chairman (or Program Chairman) of 8 International Conferences on Superconductivity. V. Kresin edited 4 books related to various aspects of superconductivity. He is a Co-Editor of the International Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism. Hans Morawitz received his B.S. and PhD degrees from Stanford University where he was studying under guidance of Prof. Leonard Schiff. Since 1967 - Senior Scientist at the IBM Research Laboratory (San Jose, CA). He has published around 90 scientific papers and has been involved in the study of novel systems, such as organics, polymers, surface science, and, later, high temperature superconductors. Stuart Wolf graduated from Columbia College with an AB in Physics and from Rutgers University where he received a PhD in Physics specializing in superconductivity. He was a scientist at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) for over thirty years where he ultimately headed up all of the superconductivity work. He was instrumental in starting the field of inhomogeneous superconductivity, holding the first international conference on this topic in 1978. He is currently a Professor of Physics and Materials Science at the University of Virginia where he is concerned with superconductivity and other topics in condensed matter physics. He has co-authored two books, edited 8 conference proceedings, and published over 250 articles in peer-reviewed journals, all on various aspects of superconductivity. He is also a founding editor and Co-Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism.