Prof. Dr. Volodymyr Bondarenko is Head of the Department of Deposit Mining of National Mining University of Ukraine, Dr. Sc. (Tech), Professor, Academician of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine, Honoured Scientist of Science and Engineering, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the Field of Science and Technology.
Volodymyr Bondarenko is a famous specialist in the field of underground mining of coal and ore deposits and author of scientific papers on mining. He is a chairman of the methodological committee of higher education standards preparation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Ukraine for his speciality Mining.
Volodymyr Bondarenko is one of the authors of Development strategies of coal industry of Ukraine until 2030 as part of a single work Strategy of energy development of Ukraine until 2030 and founder of the International School of Underground Mining that consolidates its efforts on saving and development of new scientific trends. The School’s format – holding annual International scientific and practical conferences with presence of well-known specialists-miners of Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Germany and other countries.
20 candidate dissertations and 6 doctoral dissertations have been defended under the direction of Volodymyr Bondarenko, who is author of 245 scientific works, including 15 textbooks, tutorials and monographs, 37 patents for invention have been gained, 33 scientific articles have been printed abroad in famous publications of Germany, England, USA, Canada, Poland and Russia. Iryna Kovalevska (1968) graduated from the department of Mechanics, mechanical-mathematical faculty of Dnipropetrovsk’s state university in 1990. She is a mechanic, applied mathematics specialist.She took a post-graduate course at the Institution of Geotechnical Mechanics of the Ukraine named after M.S. Polyakov, defended dissertations of technical sciences candidate and doctor of technical sciences, and finally became professor of Underground Mining Department of theNational Mining University.
I.A. Kovalevska is doctor of technical sciences and has been awarded the third degree Miner’s Glory award, she is author of 25 monographs, guided two candidates of technical sciences, and two specialized councils defending candidate and doctoral dissertations. Finally, she is head of budget and economic research areas.? Kostiantyn Ganushevych is Research Assistant and PhD student at the Underground Mining Department. His research is on gas hydrates studies and extraction technologies. He is author of 11 papers and 3 patents, has been a participant in 3 international mining conferences. He is a member of the organizing committee of the international conference School of Underground Mining, which is held in Crimea, Ukraine. Currently he is engaged in two scientific-research projects focused on gas hydrates extraction technologies development for the conditions of the Black Sea and financed by the Ukrainian government. Dr Ganushevych delivers lectures related to underground mining technologies for advanced students in English.