We have been so impatient with God, to the point that our misconception about his nature, our problems, suffering and lack led us to question many times the existence and power of that supreme Spirit. If God exists why canât He put an end immediately to all the troubles of the world? Does God care about our pain, does He see when our world is about to fall, when tears are streaming down from our eyes? Does He care when people, friends have abandoned us and said bye bye to us? When diseases are knocking at our doors? When people are dying under the threat of bullets? When an airplane crashes or when a bomb strikes an area? Or when an act of kamikaze kills a lot of people?
It seems clearly to me that today when people manufacture something, they accompany it with a handbook just to help the user know how to use their invention easily and suitably. The same thing applies to God our manufacturer, He created us not because He wanted his creatures to suffer, problems come just because we donât know who He really is and we donât follow the manual which He gave us, which is supposed to guide our life. Knowing God, thatâs to say knowing his nature and obeying his commandments are therefore more important than our prayers or just believing that He exists. In this book we are going to explore all the attributes of this God to remove once and for all the misconceptions about Him, we are going to demonstrate that life continues after death and that there is also a final judgment.
Welcome to who is God? welcome to his true knowledge.
Hello, My name is Sougou Bruno SANON, I am a writer, translator, interpreter and a nutritionist. I am the author of the following books, love: what is it? Who is God? Agood leader, how to become more than a conqueror, infallible steps leading to success, the whole truth, and Self-mastery. The reason why I wrote these books is to reveal the truth about the secret of success in all area of life, it is true that the truth can be chocking but you have the responsibility to seek and confirm it wholeheartedly. I wrote these books for those who think they canât be successful and for those who think that they are satisfied of their successes of yesterday, and as a matter of fact are no more dreaming, for those who are willing eagerly to learn the truth. I wrote these books to remove once and for all the misconception and speculation about the notion of God and his laws, if you want to understand clearly the demonstration that there is a God, an afterlife and to know all the signs that explain the second coming of Jesus according to Christian and Muslimreligion in a down to earth manner, then you must read all these books. I wrote these books to outline the principles if followed clearly will make our world a better place to live in. The world is suffering just because of ignorance, and the cure of that ignorance is the truth. I can guarantee you that if you can just read all these books you too will undoubtedly become a champion. Please donât forget to pre-order them and donât be selfish, share them with your friends. Thank you.