Liza of Lambeth: This classic novel by W. Somerset Maugham follows the story of Liza, a young woman living in the impoverished district of Lambeth in London. The novel explores the struggles and aspirations of the working-class people in the early 20th century. Through vivid characters and a compelling narrative, Maugham provides a poignant portrayal of the human condition and the challenges faced by those living in difficult circumstances.
Orientations: Classic Novel: In this collection of short stories by W. Somerset Maugham, the author explores various themes and human emotions through captivating narratives. Each story offers a unique perspective on life, love, relationships, and the complexities of the human psyche. Maugham's masterful storytelling and keen observations make "Orientations" a captivating and thought-provoking read.
Key Aspects of the Collection "Collection of W. Somerset Maugham (Set of 2 Books) (Vol-II)":
Exploration of Working-Class Life: "Liza of Lambeth" delves into the lives and struggles of working-class people in early 20th-century London.
Insightful Short Stories: "Orientations" offers a collection of short stories that explore various themes and human emotions.
Compelling Narratives: Both books in the collection showcase W. Somerset Maugham's skillful storytelling and keen observations of the human condition.
W. Somerset Maugham was a British playwright, novelist, and short story writer. His works are known for their insightful exploration of human nature and the complexities of human relationships. "Liza of Lambeth" and "Orientations" are just two examples of his literary achievements that continue to captivate readers to this day.