The magnifying glass on the UFO case with historical records. What happened in Roswell? Did the UFO issue have anything to do with the Kennedy assassination? What happened in the Bermuda Triangle? Are there secret bases for the study of Flying Saucers? Is there archaeological evidence of the extraterrestrial presence in prehistory? Has there been contact with other civilizations in the cosmos? Have beings from space intervened in the course of our history? Do governments hide information? Do aliens have any plans for Earth? Wandering Stars is an interesting work that recalls the history of flying saucers throughout our known history and encompasses topics such as: prehistoric visits by astronauts, UFO appearances in the Bible, cases of sightings of strange lights and devices down the ages, then the Adolf Hitler thing and alien flying discs, also the secrets of governments, underground bases, reversed alien technology and contact with other civilizations. Finally, he talks about the secret space projects and galactic battles behind the NASA missions.
Kalusugan, Isipan, at Katawan